AAJ SAKHI MOREY SHYAM ACHEY THO Aaj Sakhi Morey Shyam Achey Tho Kar Toon Bhi Tyaaree Aaj Radha Kunj Mein Lagee Aahey Gulzaaree Khol Akhiyaan Khol, Khoob Khulee Baazaaree Chimkey Chiman Mein Alakh Israaree Aaj Sakhi Morey Shyam Achey Tho Kar Toon Bhi Tyaaree Ai Gaafil Gopi Chhad Nind Ganvaaree Uth Jaag Achey Tho Mohan Muraaree Aaj Sakhi Morey Shyam Achey Tho Kar Toon Bhi Tyaari Aaun Ta Budhaan Aj Been Pyaaree Nuri Nimaareen Sad Balhaaree Aaj Sakhi Morey Shyam Achey Tho Kar Toon Bhi Tyaaree ☼ | COMING TODAY IS MY SHYAMA (Nuri Granth Vol. II, Page 1114) Today, my friends! coming today is my Shyama, You also get ready! Today the flowers have bloomed in Radha Kunj, Open! open your eyes! For open is the market today! And the divine marvel pervades in the gardens! In their full beauty, bloom the jasmines and the irises, And they all call out for a vision of the beloved! O heedless Gopi! give up your forgetful sleep, Awaken! arise! for today comes the Beloved Shyama! Today, surely, I will hear the beloved flute, And ever a sacrificial offering unto Him I am, Says Nuri Nimani! ☼ |