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SVC Panama

Fourth Sadhana Camp in Panama

We are delighted to inform you that our Pujya Dadal, Dada J.P. Vaswani will conduct the 4th. Sadhana Camp at the Gamboa Rainforest Resort from Friday, May 7th. thru Sunday, May 9th, 2010.

We are indeed fortunate that once again Dada has blessed us with this unique oportunity of a "Heavenly Retreat" to spend 3 days in Heaven.

Kindly download the Registration forms here.

Visa Requirements for overseas guests: Good news for overseas guests:
No Visa is required under the following conditions:
Passport valid for at least 3 months and a valid visa or permanent residency from ONE of the following countries: USA, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia or any of the member countries of the European Union, which has been used at least one time to enter those countries.

Dada Shyam!