Around the Campfire

Selected Questions and Answers from the above Booklet
by Dada J.P. Vaswani



  1. Question: Dada, there is always this million-dollar smile on your face. What is the secret?
  2. Question: Why is it that we cannot smile all the time?
  3. Question: Dada, why did God create us?
  4. Question: What was the message Sadhu Vaswani wanted to convey?
  5. Question: Dada, has the Sadhu Vaswani Mission started a new religious cult?
  6. Question: Dada, the Sadhu Vaswani Mission believes in the fellowship of races, and religions. Could you kindly tell us what is the attitude of the Mission towards religions other than Hinduism?


Question: Dada, there is always this million-dollar smile on your face. What is the secret?


The secret is a simple one. I seek to live as a little child: a child who knows that its mother is near and it has naught to fear. No mother would wish to bring her child to harm. And so, in everything that happens, in every incident and accident, every illness and adversity, - there is a meaning of the Divine Mother's mercy. She is All-Love and All-Wisdom. She is too loving to punish, too wise to make a mistake. And so nothing can ever go wrong.

All is well, as all was well and will ever be well, both tomorrow and a hundred years hence. The person who believes in this, will always continue to smile the smile of bliss. The secret of the care-free life is, - walk with God today, and trust Him for the morrow!

Question: Why is it that we cannot smile all the time?


It is because we are afflicted with the disease of desire. When our desires are crossed, we feel miserable and unhappy. When we are in a neutral state,- neither happy nor unhappy, - we feel bored. It is only when we transcend these three states that we are filled with peace, - the peace that passeth, surpasseth understanding.

Question: Dada, why did God create us?


I think this is a question which only God can answer. Therefore, we must first seek to reach God. Let us endeavor to reach God, and when we have attained Him, we can put to Him this and other similar questions. But, perhaps, when we have reached God, we will find that we have no questions to ask of Him.

Question: What was the message Sadhu Vaswani wanted to convey?


Sadhu Vaswani's message, in a few simple words, is: Love god with all your mind and heart and soul, and give the service of love to all the suffering children of God. Never forget, he added, that birds and animals and all creatures that breathe the breath of life are also God's children. Creation is one family. And in this one family of creation, birds and animals are man's younger brothers and sisters. It is the duty and responsibility of man to guard them, and protect them, take care of them, and give them the love of this unselfish heart.

These hands are given us to help and heal, not to hurt and harm. They are given us to save and not to slaughter, to bless and not to butcher. These hearts are given us to love and not to hate.

Question: Dada, has the Sadhu Vaswani Mission started a new religious cult?


No. The world does not need new religious cults, but New Life. So many rites: so many creeds. What the sad world needs is the life of sympathy and love. Sadhu Vaswani said, again and again: "Religion? Let us talk of it less and practise more!" The emphasis of Sadhu Vaswani was on life, not on words, or rites, rituals, creeds, dogmas. Creeds, he said, are broken reeds and dogmas divide. But religion, true religion is life. True religion is that which teaches us to love God and to serve the God-in-man. For within every man there dwelleth God. Every man is a living moving temple of God. To render service to man is truly to worship God.

Question: Dada, the Sadhu Vaswani Mission believes in the fellowship of races, and religions. Could you kindly tell us what is the attitude of the Mission towards religions other than Hinduism?


The Mission believes in the unity of all religions and reveres the Great Ones of all Faiths. We have reverence for Krishna and also for Christ, - as for the other Great Ones of Humanity, including Buddha, Muhammed, Moses, Guru Nanak, Kabir, St. Francis, Lao Tse, Zoroaster, Baha'u'llah. The list is endless.

In all religions, taught Sadhu Vaswani, there is but one Light. In all scriptures there is but one Wisdom. In all the Saints and Prophets there is but one Inspiration. The Sadhu Vaswani Mission celebrates days sacred to all Great Ones of different religions and races. They all belong to the One Kingdom of Heaven,- the Kingdom of God.

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